Copyright | (c) 2023 GYELD GMBH |
License | Apache 2.0 |
Maintainer | [email protected] |
Stability | develop |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | GHC2021 |
- class Monad m ⇒ MonadRandom (m ∷ Type → Type) where
- getRandomR ∷ Random a ⇒ (a, a) → m a
- getRandom ∷ Random a ⇒ m a
- getRandomRs ∷ Random a ⇒ (a, a) → m [a]
- getRandoms ∷ Random a ⇒ m [a]
- class Monad m ⇒ MonadError e (m ∷ Type → Type) | m → e where
- throwError ∷ e → m a
- catchError ∷ m a → (e → m a) → m a
- data User = User {}
- data GYBuildTxError
- = GYBuildTxBalancingError !GYBalancingError
- | GYBuildTxBodyErrorAutoBalance !(TxBodyErrorAutoBalance ApiEra)
- | GYBuildTxExUnitsTooBig (Natural, Natural) (Natural, Natural)
- | GYBuildTxSizeTooBig !Natural !Natural
- | GYBuildTxCollateralShortFall !Natural !Natural
- | GYBuildTxNoSuitableCollateral
- | GYBuildTxCborSimplificationError !CborSimplificationError
- | GYBuildTxCollapseExtraOutError !TxBodyError
- data GYBalancingError
- class (GYTxMonad (TxMonadOf m), GYTxSpecialQueryMonad m) ⇒ GYTxGameMonad m where
- class GYTxBuilderMonad m ⇒ GYTxMonad m where
- signTxBody ∷ GYTxBody → m GYTx
- signTxBodyWithStake ∷ GYTxBody → m GYTx
- submitTx ∷ GYTx → m GYTxId
- awaitTxConfirmed' ∷ GYAwaitTxParameters → GYTxId → m ()
- class (Default (TxBuilderStrategy m), GYTxSpecialQueryMonad m, GYTxUserQueryMonad m) ⇒ GYTxBuilderMonad m where
- type TxBuilderStrategy m ∷ Type
- buildTxBodyWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. TxBuilderStrategy m → GYTxSkeleton v → m GYTxBody
- buildTxBodyParallelWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. TxBuilderStrategy m → [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult
- buildTxBodyChainingWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. TxBuilderStrategy m → [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult
- class MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ GYTxQueryMonad m where
- networkId ∷ m GYNetworkId
- lookupDatum ∷ GYDatumHash → m (Maybe GYDatum)
- utxoAtTxOutRef ∷ GYTxOutRef → m (Maybe GYUTxO)
- utxoAtTxOutRefWithDatum ∷ GYTxOutRef → m (Maybe (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum))
- utxosAtTxOutRefs ∷ [GYTxOutRef] → m GYUTxOs
- utxosAtTxOutRefsWithDatums ∷ [GYTxOutRef] → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)]
- utxosAtAddress ∷ GYAddress → Maybe GYAssetClass → m GYUTxOs
- utxosAtAddressWithDatums ∷ GYAddress → Maybe GYAssetClass → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)]
- utxosAtAddresses ∷ [GYAddress] → m GYUTxOs
- utxosAtAddressesWithDatums ∷ [GYAddress] → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)]
- utxoRefsAtAddress ∷ GYAddress → m [GYTxOutRef]
- utxosAtPaymentCredential ∷ GYPaymentCredential → Maybe GYAssetClass → m GYUTxOs
- utxosAtPaymentCredentialWithDatums ∷ GYPaymentCredential → Maybe GYAssetClass → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)]
- utxosAtPaymentCredentials ∷ [GYPaymentCredential] → m GYUTxOs
- utxosAtPaymentCredentialsWithDatums ∷ [GYPaymentCredential] → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)]
- stakeAddressInfo ∷ GYStakeAddress → m (Maybe GYStakeAddressInfo)
- drepState ∷ GYCredential 'GYKeyRoleDRep → m (Maybe GYDRepState)
- drepsState ∷ Set (GYCredential 'GYKeyRoleDRep) → m (Map (GYCredential 'GYKeyRoleDRep) (Maybe GYDRepState))
- slotConfig ∷ m GYSlotConfig
- slotOfCurrentBlock ∷ m GYSlot
- logMsg ∷ HasCallStack ⇒ GYLogNamespace → GYLogSeverity → String → m ()
- waitUntilSlot ∷ GYSlot → m GYSlot
- waitForNextBlock ∷ m GYSlot
- class GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTxSpecialQueryMonad m where
- class GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTxUserQueryMonad m where
- ownAddresses ∷ m [GYAddress]
- ownChangeAddress ∷ m GYAddress
- ownCollateral ∷ m (Maybe GYUTxO)
- availableUTxOs ∷ m GYUTxOs
- someUTxO ∷ PlutusVersion → m GYTxOutRef
- data GYTxSkeleton (v ∷ PlutusVersion) = GYTxSkeleton {
- gytxIns ∷ ![GYTxIn v]
- gytxOuts ∷ ![GYTxOut v]
- gytxRefIns ∷ !(GYTxSkeletonRefIns v)
- gytxMint ∷ !(Map (GYBuildScript v) (Map GYTokenName Integer, GYRedeemer))
- gytxWdrls ∷ ![GYTxWdrl v]
- gytxSigs ∷ !(Set GYPubKeyHash)
- gytxCerts ∷ ![GYTxCert v]
- gytxInvalidBefore ∷ !(Maybe GYSlot)
- gytxInvalidAfter ∷ !(Maybe GYSlot)
- gytxMetadata ∷ !(Maybe GYTxMetadata)
- gytxVotingProcedures ∷ !(GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v)
- gytxProposalProcedures ∷ !(GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v)
- data GYTxSkeletonRefIns ∷ PlutusVersion → Type where
- data GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures ∷ PlutusVersion → Type where
- data GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures ∷ PlutusVersion → Type where
- data GYTxBuildResult
- data PlutusToCardanoError
- data GYConversionError
- = GYNotPubKeyAddress !GYAddress
- | GYNotScriptAddress !GYAddress
- | GYInvalidPlutusValue !GYFromPlutusValueError !Value
- | GYInvalidPlutusAsset !GYFromPlutusValueError
- | GYInvalidAddressText !Text
- | GYEraSummariesToSlotConfigError !Text
- | GYLedgerToCardanoError !PlutusToCardanoError
- | GYInvalidAssetClass !Text
- | GYInvalidSlot !Integer
- data GYQueryUTxOError
- data GYQueryDatumError
- data GYTxMonadException ∷ Type where
- GYConversionException ∷ GYConversionError → GYTxMonadException
- GYQueryUTxOException ∷ GYQueryUTxOError → GYTxMonadException
- GYBuildTxException ∷ GYBuildTxError → GYTxMonadException
- GYNoSuitableCollateralException ∷ {..} → GYTxMonadException
- GYSlotOverflowException ∷ {..} → GYTxMonadException
- GYTimeUnderflowException ∷ SystemStart → GYTime → GYTxMonadException
- GYQueryDatumException ∷ GYQueryDatumError → GYTxMonadException
- GYDatumMismatch ∷ GYOutDatum → GYTxIn v → GYTxMonadException
- GYApplicationException ∷ (Exception e, IsGYApiError e) ⇒ e → GYTxMonadException
- data GYTxGameMonadIO a
- data GYTxMonadIO a
- data GYTxQueryMonadIO a
- data GYTxBuilderMonadIO a
- data UserCollateral = UserCollateral {}
- pattern User' ∷ GYPaymentSigningKey → Maybe GYStakeSigningKey → GYAddress → User
- slotToEpoch ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYSlot → m GYEpochNo
- userPkh ∷ User → GYPubKeyHash
- userPaymentPkh ∷ User → GYPaymentKeyHash
- userStakePkh ∷ User → Maybe GYStakeKeyHash
- userVKey ∷ User → GYPaymentVerificationKey
- userPaymentVKey ∷ User → GYPaymentVerificationKey
- userStakeVKey ∷ User → Maybe GYStakeVerificationKey
- buildTxBody ∷ ∀ v m. GYTxBuilderMonad m ⇒ GYTxSkeleton v → m GYTxBody
- buildTxBodyParallel ∷ ∀ v m. GYTxBuilderMonad m ⇒ [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult
- buildTxBodyChaining ∷ ∀ v m. GYTxBuilderMonad m ⇒ [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult
- waitNSlots ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Word64 → m GYSlot
- waitNSlots_ ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Word64 → m ()
- waitUntilSlot_ ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYSlot → m ()
- submitTx_ ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTx → m ()
- submitTxConfirmed ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTx → m GYTxId
- submitTxConfirmed_ ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTx → m ()
- submitTxConfirmed' ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYAwaitTxParameters → GYTx → m GYTxId
- submitTxConfirmed'_ ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYAwaitTxParameters → GYTx → m ()
- submitTxBody ∷ ∀ a m. (GYTxMonad m, ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey a) ⇒ GYTxBody → [a] → m GYTxId
- submitTxBody_ ∷ ∀ a m. (GYTxMonad m, ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey a) ⇒ GYTxBody → [a] → m ()
- submitTxBodyConfirmed ∷ ∀ a m. (GYTxMonad m, ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey a) ⇒ GYTxBody → [a] → m GYTxId
- submitTxBodyConfirmed_ ∷ (GYTxMonad m, ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey a) ⇒ GYTxBody → [a] → m ()
- signAndSubmitConfirmed ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTxBody → m GYTxId
- signAndSubmitConfirmed_ ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTxBody → m ()
- awaitTxConfirmed ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTxId → m ()
- gyTxSkeletonRefInsToList ∷ GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → [GYTxOutRef]
- gyTxSkeletonRefInsSet ∷ GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → Set GYTxOutRef
- lookupDatum' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYDatumHash → m GYDatum
- utxoAtTxOutRef' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTxOutRef → m GYUTxO
- utxoAtTxOutRefWithDatum' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTxOutRef → m (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)
- someUTxOWithoutRefScript ∷ GYTxUserQueryMonad m ⇒ m GYTxOutRef
- slotToBeginTime ∷ GYTxQueryMonad f ⇒ GYSlot → f GYTime
- slotToEndTime ∷ GYTxQueryMonad f ⇒ GYSlot → f GYTime
- enclosingSlotFromTime ∷ GYTxQueryMonad f ⇒ GYTime → f (Maybe GYSlot)
- enclosingSlotFromTime' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTime → m GYSlot
- epochToBeginSlot ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYEpochNo → m GYSlot
- scriptAddress ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYScript v → m GYAddress
- scriptAddress' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYScriptHash → m GYAddress
- addressFromText' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ Text → m GYAddress
- addressFromPlutusM ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Address → m (Either PlutusToCardanoError GYAddress)
- addressFromPlutusHushedM ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Address → m (Maybe GYAddress)
- addressFromPlutus' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Address → m GYAddress
- addressToPubKeyHash' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ GYAddress → m GYPubKeyHash
- addressToPubKeyHashIO ∷ GYAddress → IO GYPubKeyHash
- addressToValidatorHash' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ GYAddress → m GYScriptHash
- addressToValidatorHashIO ∷ GYAddress → IO GYScriptHash
- valueFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ Value → m GYValue
- valueFromPlutusIO ∷ Value → IO GYValue
- makeAssetClass' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ Text → Text → m GYAssetClass
- makeAssetClassIO ∷ Text → Text → IO GYAssetClass
- assetClassFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ AssetClass → m GYAssetClass
- tokenNameFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ TokenName → m GYTokenName
- txOutRefFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ TxOutRef → m GYTxOutRef
- datumHashFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ DatumHash → m GYDatumHash
- pubKeyHashFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ PubKeyHash → m GYPubKeyHash
- advanceSlot' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ GYSlot → Natural → m GYSlot
- utxosDatums ∷ ∀ m a. (GYTxQueryMonad m, FromData a) ⇒ GYUTxOs → m (Map GYTxOutRef (GYAddress, GYValue, a))
- utxosDatumsPure ∷ FromData a ⇒ [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] → Map GYTxOutRef (GYAddress, GYValue, a)
- utxosDatumsPureWithOriginalDatum ∷ FromData a ⇒ [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] → Map GYTxOutRef (GYAddress, GYValue, a, GYDatum)
- utxoDatum ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, FromData a) ⇒ GYUTxO → m (Either GYQueryDatumError (GYAddress, GYValue, a))
- utxoDatumPure ∷ FromData a ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → Either GYQueryDatumError (GYAddress, GYValue, a)
- utxoDatumPureWithOriginalDatum ∷ FromData a ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → Either GYQueryDatumError (GYAddress, GYValue, a, GYDatum)
- utxoDatumHushed ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, FromData a) ⇒ GYUTxO → m (Maybe (GYAddress, GYValue, a))
- utxoDatumPureHushed ∷ FromData a ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → Maybe (GYTxOutRef, (GYAddress, GYValue, a))
- utxoDatumPureHushedWithOriginalDatum ∷ FromData a ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → Maybe (GYTxOutRef, (GYAddress, GYValue, a, GYDatum))
- utxoDatum' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, FromData a) ⇒ GYUTxO → m (GYAddress, GYValue, a)
- utxoDatumPure' ∷ (MonadError GYTxMonadException m, FromData a) ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → m (GYAddress, GYValue, a)
- utxoDatumPureWithOriginalDatum' ∷ (MonadError GYTxMonadException m, FromData a) ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → m (GYAddress, GYValue, a, GYDatum)
- mustHaveInput ∷ GYTxIn v → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveRefInput ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV2 ⇒ GYTxOutRef → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveOutput ∷ GYTxOut v → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveOptionalOutput ∷ Maybe (GYTxOut v) → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveTxMetadata ∷ Maybe GYTxMetadata → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveVotingProcedures ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV3 ⇒ GYTxVotingProcedures v → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveProposalProcedure ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV3 ⇒ GYProposalProcedurePB → GYTxBuildWitness v → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveProposalProcedures ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV3 ⇒ [(GYProposalProcedurePB, GYTxBuildWitness v)] → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustMint ∷ GYBuildScript v → GYRedeemer → GYTokenName → Integer → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveWithdrawal ∷ GYTxWdrl v → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustHaveCertificate ∷ GYTxCert v → GYTxSkeleton v
- mustBeSignedBy ∷ CanSignTx a ⇒ a → GYTxSkeleton v
- isInvalidBefore ∷ GYSlot → GYTxSkeleton v
- isInvalidAfter ∷ GYSlot → GYTxSkeleton v
- gyLogDebug' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, HasCallStack) ⇒ GYLogNamespace → String → m ()
- gyLogInfo' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, HasCallStack) ⇒ GYLogNamespace → String → m ()
- gyLogWarning' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, HasCallStack) ⇒ GYLogNamespace → String → m ()
- gyLogError' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, HasCallStack) ⇒ GYLogNamespace → String → m ()
- skeletonToRefScriptsORefs ∷ GYTxSkeleton v → [GYTxOutRef]
- wrapReqWithTimeLog ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, MonadIO m) ⇒ String → m a → m a
- wt ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, MonadIO m) ⇒ String → m a → m a
- emptyGYTxSkeleton ∷ GYTxSkeleton v
- buildTxCore ∷ ∀ m v. (GYTxQueryMonad m, MonadRandom m) ⇒ SystemStart → EraHistory → ApiProtocolParameters → Set PoolId → GYCoinSelectionStrategy → (GYTxBody → GYUTxOs → GYUTxOs) → [GYAddress] → GYAddress → Maybe GYUTxO → [GYTxSkeleton v] → m (Either GYBuildTxError GYTxBuildResult)
- collateralLovelace ∷ Integer
- collateralValue ∷ GYValue
- maximumRequiredCollateralLovelace ∷ ApiProtocolParameters → Int → Integer
- maximumRequiredCollateralValue ∷ ApiProtocolParameters → Int → GYValue
- throwAppError ∷ (IsGYApiError e, Exception e, MonadError GYTxMonadException m) ⇒ e → m a
- runGYTxBuilderMonadIO ∷ GYNetworkId → GYProviders → [GYAddress] → GYAddress → Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) → GYTxBuilderMonadIO a → IO a
- runGYTxQueryMonadIO ∷ GYNetworkId → GYProviders → GYTxQueryMonadIO a → IO a
- runGYTxMonadIO ∷ GYNetworkId → GYProviders → GYSomePaymentSigningKey → Maybe GYSomeStakeSigningKey → [GYAddress] → GYAddress → Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) → GYTxMonadIO a → IO a
- runGYTxGameMonadIO ∷ GYNetworkId → GYProviders → GYTxGameMonadIO a → IO a
- queryAsBuilderMonad ∷ GYTxQueryMonadIO a → GYTxBuilderMonadIO a
- liftQueryMonad ∷ GYTxQueryMonadIO a → GYTxMonadIO a
- liftBuilderMonad ∷ GYTxBuilderMonadIO a → GYTxMonadIO a
- userStakeAddress ∷ GYNetworkId → User → Maybe GYStakeAddress
- userPaymentSKey' ∷ User → GYPaymentSigningKey
- userStakeSKey' ∷ User → Maybe GYStakeSigningKey
- userCollateralDumb ∷ User → Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool)
- userAddresses' ∷ User → [GYAddress]
- userAddr ∷ User → GYAddress
- queryBalance ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYAddress → m GYValue
- queryBalances ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ [GYAddress] → m GYValue
- getAdaOnlyUTxO ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYAddress → m [(GYTxOutRef, Natural)]
- adaOnlyUTxOPure ∷ GYUTxOs → [(GYTxOutRef, Natural)]
- getCollateral' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYAddress → Natural → m (Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Natural))
- getCollateral ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYAddress → Natural → m (GYTxOutRef, Natural)
- getTxBalance ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYPubKeyHash → GYTx → m GYValue
class Monad m ⇒ MonadRandom (m ∷ Type → Type) where #
With a source of random number supply in hand, the MonadRandom
allows the programmer to extract random values of a variety of types.
getRandomR ∷ Random a ⇒ (a, a) → m a #
Takes a range (lo,hi) and a random number generator g, and returns a computation that returns a random value uniformly distributed in the closed interval [lo,hi], together with a new generator. It is unspecified what happens if lo>hi. For continuous types there is no requirement that the values lo and hi are ever produced, but they may be, depending on the implementation and the interval.
See randomR
for details.
The same as getRandomR
, but using a default range determined by the type:
- For bounded types (instances of
, such asChar
), the range is normally the whole type. - For fractional types, the range is normally the semi-closed interval
. - For
, the range is (arbitrarily) the range ofInt
See random
for details.
getRandomRs ∷ Random a ⇒ (a, a) → m [a] #
Plural variant of getRandomR
, producing an infinite list of
random values instead of returning a new generator.
See randomRs
for details.
getRandoms ∷ Random a ⇒ m [a] #
class Monad m ⇒ MonadError e (m ∷ Type → Type) | m → e where #
The strategy of combining computations that can throw exceptions by bypassing bound functions from the point an exception is thrown to the point that it is handled.
Is parameterized over the type of error information and
the monad type constructor.
It is common to use
as the monad type constructor
for an error monad in which error descriptions take the form of strings.
In that case and many other common cases the resulting monad is already defined
as an instance of the Either
You can also define your own error type and/or use a monad type constructor
other than
or Either
In these cases you will have to explicitly define instances of the Either
(If you are using the deprecated Control.Monad.Error or
Control.Monad.Trans.Error, you may also have to define an Error
throwError ∷ e → m a #
Is used within a monadic computation to begin exception processing.
catchError ∷ m a → (e → m a) → m a #
A handler function to handle previous errors and return to normal execution. A common idiom is:
do { action1; action2; action3 } `catchError` handler
where the action
functions can call throwError
Note that handler
and the do-block must have the same return type.
Note: When signing using ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey
instance, it only uses the payment signing key.
User | |
ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey User # | This only takes the payment signing key, not the stake key. |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.User Methods toShelleyWitnessSigningKey ∷ User → ShelleyWitnessSigningKey # | |
Show User # | |
Eq User # | |
Ord User # | |
data GYBuildTxError #
may be raised when building transactions, for non-trivial errors.
Insufficient funds and similar are considered trivial transaction building errors.
GYBuildTxBalancingError !GYBalancingError | |
GYBuildTxBodyErrorAutoBalance !(TxBodyErrorAutoBalance ApiEra) | |
GYBuildTxExUnitsTooBig | Execution units required is higher than the maximum as specified by protocol params. |
GYBuildTxSizeTooBig | Transaction size is higher than the maximum as specified by protocol params. |
GYBuildTxCollateralShortFall | Shortfall (in collateral inputs) for collateral requirement. |
GYBuildTxNoSuitableCollateral | Couldn't find a UTxO to use as collateral. |
GYBuildTxCborSimplificationError !CborSimplificationError | |
GYBuildTxCollapseExtraOutError !TxBodyError |
Show GYBuildTxError # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.Transaction.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYBuildTxError → ShowS # show ∷ GYBuildTxError → String # showList ∷ [GYBuildTxError] → ShowS # |
data GYBalancingError #
GYBalancingErrorInsufficientFunds !GYValue | |
∀ v. GYBalancingErrorNonPositiveTxOut !(GYTxOut v) | |
GYBalancingErrorChangeShortFall !Natural | Lovelace shortfall in constructing a change output. See: Cardano.CoinSelection.Balance.UnableToConstructChangeError |
GYBalancingErrorEmptyOwnUTxOs | User wallet has no utxos to select. |
Show GYBalancingError # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.Transaction.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYBalancingError → ShowS # show ∷ GYBalancingError → String # showList ∷ [GYBalancingError] → ShowS # | |
PrintfArg GYBalancingError # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.Transaction.Common Methods | |
Eq GYBalancingError # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.Transaction.Common Methods |
class (GYTxMonad (TxMonadOf m), GYTxSpecialQueryMonad m) ⇒ GYTxGameMonad m where #
Class of monads that can simulate a "game" between different users interacting with transactions.
Associated Types
type TxMonadOf m = (r ∷ Type → Type) | r → m #
Type of the supported GYTxMonad
instance that can participate within the "game".
createUser ∷ m User #
Create a new user within the chain. This does not fund the user. See "GeniusYield.Test.Utils.createUserWithLovelace" or "GeniusYield.Test.Utils.createUserWithAssets".
This _must not_ fund the user. Note: The generated user may be arbitrarily complex. i.e may have zero or more stake keys (and thus one or more addresses).
asUser ∷ User → TxMonadOf m a → m a #
Lift the supported GYTxMonad
instance into the game, as a participating user wallet.
GYTxGameMonad GYTxMonadClb # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.Test.Clb Associated Types type TxMonadOf GYTxMonadClb = (r ∷ Type → Type) # | |
GYTxGameMonad GYTxGameMonadIO # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.IO Associated Types type TxMonadOf GYTxGameMonadIO = (r ∷ Type → Type) # Methods createUser ∷ GYTxGameMonadIO User # asUser ∷ User → TxMonadOf GYTxGameMonadIO a → GYTxGameMonadIO a # | |
GYTxGameMonad m ⇒ GYTxGameMonad (FeeTrackerGame m) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.Test.FeeTracker Associated Types type TxMonadOf (FeeTrackerGame m) = (r ∷ Type → Type) # Methods createUser ∷ FeeTrackerGame m User # asUser ∷ User → TxMonadOf (FeeTrackerGame m) a → FeeTrackerGame m a # |
class GYTxBuilderMonad m ⇒ GYTxMonad m where #
Class of monads for interacting with the blockchain using transactions.
signTxBody ∷ GYTxBody → m GYTx #
Sign a transaction body with the user payment key to produce a transaction with witnesses.
Note: The key is not meant to be exposed to the monad, so it is only held
within the closure that signs a given transaction.
It is recommended to use signGYTxBody
and similar to implement this method.
signTxBodyWithStake ∷ GYTxBody → m GYTx #
Sign a transaction body with the user payment key AND user stake key to produce
a transaction with witnesses.
If the user wallet does not have a stake key, this function should be equivalent to
See note on signTxBody
Submit a fully built transaction to the chain.
Use buildTxBody
to build a transaction body, and signGYTxBody
sign it before submitting.
Note: Changes made to the chain by the submitted transaction may not be reflected immediately,
see awaitTxConfirmed
Law: someUTxO
calls made after a call to submitTx
may return previously returned UTxOs
if they were not affected by the submitted transaction.
awaitTxConfirmed' ∷ GYAwaitTxParameters → GYTxId → m () #
Wait for a _recently_ submitted transaction to be confirmed.
Note: If used on a transaction submitted long ago, the behavior is undefined.
Law: Queries made after a call to awaitTxConfirmed'
should reflect changes made to the chain
by the identified transaction.
class (Default (TxBuilderStrategy m), GYTxSpecialQueryMonad m, GYTxUserQueryMonad m) ⇒ GYTxBuilderMonad m where #
Class of monads for building transactions. This can be default derived if the requirements are met.
Specifically, set TxBuilderStrategy
to GYCoinSelectionStrategy
if you wish to use the default in-house
transaction building implementation.
Minimal complete definition
Associated Types
type TxBuilderStrategy m ∷ Type #
type TxBuilderStrategy m = GYCoinSelectionStrategy
buildTxBodyWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. TxBuilderStrategy m → GYTxSkeleton v → m GYTxBody #
The most basic version of GYTxSkeleton
This is not meant to be called multiple times with several GYTxSkeleton
s before submission.
Because the balancer will end up using the same utxos across the different txs.
Consider using buildTxBodyParallel
or buildTxBodyChaining
default buildTxBodyWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. (MonadRandom m, TxBuilderStrategy m ~ GYCoinSelectionStrategy) ⇒ TxBuilderStrategy m → GYTxSkeleton v → m GYTxBody #
buildTxBodyParallelWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. TxBuilderStrategy m → [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult #
A multi GYTxSkeleton
builder. The result containing built bodies must be in the same order as the skeletons.
This does not perform chaining, i.e does not use utxos created by one of the given transactions in the next one. However, it does ensure that the balancer does not end up using the same own utxos when building multiple transactions at once.
This supports failure recovery by utilizing GYTxBuildResult
default buildTxBodyParallelWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. (MonadRandom m, TxBuilderStrategy m ~ GYCoinSelectionStrategy) ⇒ TxBuilderStrategy m → [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult #
buildTxBodyChainingWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. TxBuilderStrategy m → [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult #
A chaining GYTxSkeleton
builder. The result containing built bodies must be in the same order as the skeletons.
This will perform chaining, i.e it will use utxos created by one of the given transactions, when building the next one.
This supports failure recovery by utilizing GYTxBuildResult
default buildTxBodyChainingWithStrategy ∷ ∀ v. (MonadRandom m, TxBuilderStrategy m ~ GYCoinSelectionStrategy) ⇒ TxBuilderStrategy m → [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult #
class MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ GYTxQueryMonad m where #
Class of monads for querying chain data.
Minimal complete definition
networkId, lookupDatum, (utxoAtTxOutRef | utxosAtTxOutRefs), utxosAtAddress, utxosAtPaymentCredential, stakeAddressInfo, slotConfig, slotOfCurrentBlock, logMsg, waitUntilSlot, waitForNextBlock, (drepState | drepsState)
networkId ∷ m GYNetworkId #
Get the network id
lookupDatum ∷ GYDatumHash → m (Maybe GYDatum) #
Lookup datum by its hash.
utxoAtTxOutRef ∷ GYTxOutRef → m (Maybe GYUTxO) #
Lookup GYUTxO
at GYTxOutRef
utxoAtTxOutRefWithDatum ∷ GYTxOutRef → m (Maybe (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)) #
Lookup UTxO at GYTxOutRef
with an attempt to resolve for datum.
utxosAtTxOutRefs ∷ [GYTxOutRef] → m GYUTxOs #
Lookup GYUTxOs
at multiple GYTxOutRef
s at once
utxosAtTxOutRefsWithDatums ∷ [GYTxOutRef] → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] #
Lookup UTxOs at zero or more GYTxOutRef
with their datums. This has a default implementation using utxosAtTxOutRefs
and lookupDatum
but should be overridden for efficiency if provider provides suitable option.
utxosAtAddress ∷ GYAddress → Maybe GYAssetClass → m GYUTxOs #
utxosAtAddressWithDatums ∷ GYAddress → Maybe GYAssetClass → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] #
Lookup GYUTxO
at given GYAddress
with their datums. This has a default implementation using utxosAtAddress
and lookupDatum
but should be overridden for efficiency if provider provides suitable option.
utxosAtAddresses ∷ [GYAddress] → m GYUTxOs #
utxosAtAddressesWithDatums ∷ [GYAddress] → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] #
Lookup UTxOs at zero or more GYAddress
with their datums. This has a default implementation using utxosAtAddresses
and lookupDatum
but should be overridden for efficiency if provider provides suitable option.
utxoRefsAtAddress ∷ GYAddress → m [GYTxOutRef] #
Lookup the `[GYTxOutRef]`s at a GYAddress
utxosAtPaymentCredential ∷ GYPaymentCredential → Maybe GYAssetClass → m GYUTxOs #
Lookup GYUTxOs
at GYPaymentCredential
utxosAtPaymentCredentialWithDatums ∷ GYPaymentCredential → Maybe GYAssetClass → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] #
Lookup UTxOs at given GYPaymentCredential
with their datums. This has a default implementation using utxosAtPaymentCredential
and lookupDatum
but should be overridden for efficiency if provider provides suitable option.
utxosAtPaymentCredentials ∷ [GYPaymentCredential] → m GYUTxOs #
Lookup GYUTxOs
at zero or more GYPaymentCredential
utxosAtPaymentCredentialsWithDatums ∷ [GYPaymentCredential] → m [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] #
Lookup UTxOs at zero or more GYPaymentCredential
with their datums. This has a default implementation using utxosAtPaymentCredentials
and lookupDatum
but should be overridden for efficiency if provider provides suitable option.
stakeAddressInfo ∷ GYStakeAddress → m (Maybe GYStakeAddressInfo) #
Obtain delegation information for a stake address. Note that in case stake address is not registered, this function should return Nothing
drepState ∷ GYCredential 'GYKeyRoleDRep → m (Maybe GYDRepState) #
Obtain state of drep.
drepsState ∷ Set (GYCredential 'GYKeyRoleDRep) → m (Map (GYCredential 'GYKeyRoleDRep) (Maybe GYDRepState)) #
Obtain state of dreps.
slotConfig ∷ m GYSlotConfig #
Obtain the slot config for the network.
Implementations using era history to create slot config may raise GYEraSummariesToSlotConfigError
slotOfCurrentBlock ∷ m GYSlot #
This is expected to give the slot of the latest block. We say "expected" as we cache the result for 5 seconds, that is to say, suppose slot was cached at time T
, now if query for current block's slot comes within time duration (T, T + 5)
, then we'll return the cached slot but if say, query happened at time (T + 5, T + 21)
where 21
was taken as an arbitrary number above 5, then we'll query the chain tip and get the slot of the latest block seen by the provider and then store it in our cache, thus new cached value would be served for requests coming within time interval of (T + 21, T + 26)
NOTE: It's behaviour is slightly different, solely for our plutus simple model provider where it actually returns the value of the currentSlot
variable maintained inside plutus simple model library.
logMsg ∷ HasCallStack ⇒ GYLogNamespace → GYLogSeverity → String → m () #
Log a message with specified namespace and severity.
waitUntilSlot ∷ GYSlot → m GYSlot #
Wait until the chain tip is at least the given slot number, returning it's slot.
waitForNextBlock ∷ m GYSlot #
Wait until the chain tip is at the next block, return it's slot.
class GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTxSpecialQueryMonad m where #
Class of monads for querying special chain data.
systemStart ∷ m SystemStart #
eraHistory ∷ m EraHistory #
protocolParams ∷ m ApiProtocolParameters #
stakePools ∷ m (Set PoolId) #
class GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTxUserQueryMonad m where #
Class of monads for querying as a user.
ownAddresses ∷ m [GYAddress] #
Get your own address(es).
ownChangeAddress ∷ m GYAddress #
Get own change address.
ownCollateral ∷ m (Maybe GYUTxO) #
Get own collateral utxo.
availableUTxOs ∷ m GYUTxOs #
Get available own UTxOs that can be operated upon.
someUTxO ∷ PlutusVersion → m GYTxOutRef #
Return some unspent transaction output translatable to the given language corresponding to the script in question.
Law: Must return the different values.
data GYTxSkeleton (v ∷ PlutusVersion) #
Transaction skeleton
Note: let's add fields as we need them.
The parameter v
indicates the minimum version of scripts allowed
as inputs.
GYTxSkeleton | |
Monoid (GYTxSkeleton v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods mempty ∷ GYTxSkeleton v # mappend ∷ GYTxSkeleton v → GYTxSkeleton v → GYTxSkeleton v # mconcat ∷ [GYTxSkeleton v] → GYTxSkeleton v # | |
Semigroup (GYTxSkeleton v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods (<>) ∷ GYTxSkeleton v → GYTxSkeleton v → GYTxSkeleton v # sconcat ∷ NonEmpty (GYTxSkeleton v) → GYTxSkeleton v # stimes ∷ Integral b ⇒ b → GYTxSkeleton v → GYTxSkeleton v # | |
Show (GYTxSkeleton v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYTxSkeleton v → ShowS # show ∷ GYTxSkeleton v → String # showList ∷ [GYTxSkeleton v] → ShowS # |
data GYTxSkeletonRefIns ∷ PlutusVersion → Type where #
GYTxSkeletonRefIns ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV2 ⇒ !(Set GYTxOutRef) → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v | |
GYTxSkeletonNoRefIns ∷ GYTxSkeletonRefIns v |
Semigroup (GYTxSkeletonRefIns v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods (<>) ∷ GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v # sconcat ∷ NonEmpty (GYTxSkeletonRefIns v) → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v # stimes ∷ Integral b ⇒ b → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v # | |
Show (GYTxSkeletonRefIns v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → ShowS # show ∷ GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → String # showList ∷ [GYTxSkeletonRefIns v] → ShowS # | |
Eq (GYTxSkeletonRefIns v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods (==) ∷ GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → Bool # (/=) ∷ GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → GYTxSkeletonRefIns v → Bool # |
data GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures ∷ PlutusVersion → Type where #
GYTxSkeletonVotingProceduresNone ∷ GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v | |
GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV3 ⇒ !(GYTxVotingProcedures v) → GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v |
Semigroup (GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common | |
Show (GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v → ShowS # show ∷ GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v → String # showList ∷ [GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v] → ShowS # | |
Eq (GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods (==) ∷ GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v → GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v → Bool # (/=) ∷ GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v → GYTxSkeletonVotingProcedures v → Bool # |
data GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures ∷ PlutusVersion → Type where #
Semigroup (GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods (<>) ∷ GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v # sconcat ∷ NonEmpty (GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v) → GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v # stimes ∷ Integral b ⇒ b → GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v # | |
Show (GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → ShowS # show ∷ GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → String # showList ∷ [GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v] → ShowS # | |
Eq (GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v) # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Common Methods (==) ∷ GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → Bool # (/=) ∷ GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → GYTxSkeletonProposalProcedures v → Bool # |
data GYTxBuildResult #
Result of building GYTxBody
s with the option of recovery from error.
Consider the act of building five GYTxSkeleton
s into GYTxBody
s. If three out of the five succeed, but the next
one fails due to insufficient funds - this type facilitates recovering the three rather than failing outright and discarding
the results.
GYTxBuildSuccess !(NonEmpty GYTxBody) | All given |
GYTxBuildPartialSuccess !GYBalancingError !(NonEmpty GYTxBody) | Some of the given |
GYTxBuildFailure !GYBalancingError | None of the given |
GYTxBuildNoInputs | Input did not contain any |
data PlutusToCardanoError #
is raised when using Plutus to Cardano API type conversion functions
from plutus-ledger. It is a focused version of Ledger.Tx.CardanoAPI.ToCardanoError.
DeserialiseRawBytesError | Deserialization failed; tag indicates the type being deserialized. |
StakePtrAddressUnsupported Address | Raised when trying to convert a stake ptr plutus address. |
UnknownPlutusToCardanoError | Wildcard unhandled constructors; shouldn't happen usually. |
Show PlutusToCardanoError # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.Types.Ledger Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → PlutusToCardanoError → ShowS # show ∷ PlutusToCardanoError → String # showList ∷ [PlutusToCardanoError] → ShowS # |
data GYConversionError #
s may be raised during type conversions.
GYNotPubKeyAddress !GYAddress | An address was expected to contain a pub key hash, but it did not. |
GYNotScriptAddress !GYAddress | An address was expected to contain a script hash, but it did not. |
GYInvalidPlutusValue !GYFromPlutusValueError !Value | Raised during Plutus Value to |
GYInvalidPlutusAsset !GYFromPlutusValueError | Raised during Plutus asset to GY asset conversion. |
GYInvalidAddressText !Text | |
GYEraSummariesToSlotConfigError !Text | Raised when trying to convert EraHistory to GYSlotConfig. |
GYLedgerToCardanoError !PlutusToCardanoError | Errors raised during plutus-ledger -> cardano api type conversion. |
GYInvalidAssetClass !Text | Errors raised by "GeniusYield.Types.Value.parseAssetClassCore" and similar. |
GYInvalidSlot !Integer | Errors caused by "GeniusYield.Types.Slot.slotFromInteger" resulting in |
Show GYConversionError # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Errors Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYConversionError → ShowS # show ∷ GYConversionError → String # showList ∷ [GYConversionError] → ShowS # |
data GYQueryUTxOError #
s may be raised during utxo related queries.
GYNoUtxosAtAddress ![GYAddress] | An address was queried for one or more UTxOs but none were found. |
GYNoUtxoAtRef !GYTxOutRef | No UTxO exists at given ref. |
Show GYQueryUTxOError # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Errors Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYQueryUTxOError → ShowS # show ∷ GYQueryUTxOError → String # showList ∷ [GYQueryUTxOError] → ShowS # |
data GYQueryDatumError #
may be raised during fetching and parsing datums.
GYNoDatumForHash !GYDatumHash | No datum found for given hash. |
GYInvalidDatum !GYDatum | Datum parsing failed. |
GYNoDatumHash !GYUTxO | No datum hash at utxo. |
Show GYQueryDatumError # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.Errors Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → GYQueryDatumError → ShowS # show ∷ GYQueryDatumError → String # showList ∷ [GYQueryDatumError] → ShowS # |
data GYTxMonadException ∷ Type where #
Exceptions raised within the GYTxMonad
This includes exceptions raised within the contract itself. It does not include:
- Exceptions that may be raised by the provider.
- Exceptions raised during transaction building/balancing.
- Other wildcard exceptions raised within IO.
GYConversionException ∷ GYConversionError → GYTxMonadException | Errors encountered during type conversions. |
GYQueryUTxOException ∷ GYQueryUTxOError → GYTxMonadException | Errors encountered during utxo related queries. |
GYBuildTxException ∷ GYBuildTxError → GYTxMonadException | Errors encountered during transaction building related functions. |
GYNoSuitableCollateralException | Raised when no suitable collateral of at least |
| |
GYSlotOverflowException | Raised if |
| |
GYTimeUnderflowException ∷ SystemStart → GYTime → GYTxMonadException | Raised during time -> slot conversion, if given timestamp is before known system start. |
GYQueryDatumException ∷ GYQueryDatumError → GYTxMonadException | Raised during fetching/parsing datums. |
GYDatumMismatch ∷ GYOutDatum → GYTxIn v → GYTxMonadException | When actual datum in the UTxO is different than what is mentioned for in witness. |
GYApplicationException ∷ (Exception e, IsGYApiError e) ⇒ e → GYTxMonadException | Wildcard user application specific errors. This is the "plug-in" point where an application
using the GY framework, can raise its own protocol specific errors within |
data GYTxGameMonadIO a #
interpretation run under IO.
data GYTxMonadIO a #
interpretation run under IO.
data GYTxQueryMonadIO a #
interpretation run under IO.
data GYTxBuilderMonadIO a #
interpretation run under IO.
data UserCollateral #
Information on a the designated collateral to use.
UserCollateral | |
Show UserCollateral # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.User Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → UserCollateral → ShowS # show ∷ UserCollateral → String # showList ∷ [UserCollateral] → ShowS # | |
Eq UserCollateral # | |
Defined in GeniusYield.TxBuilder.User Methods (==) ∷ UserCollateral → UserCollateral → Bool # (/=) ∷ UserCollateral → UserCollateral → Bool # |
pattern User' ∷ GYPaymentSigningKey → Maybe GYStakeSigningKey → GYAddress → User #
slotToEpoch ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYSlot → m GYEpochNo #
Get epoch number in which the given slot belongs to.
userPkh ∷ User → GYPubKeyHash #
userVKey ∷ User → GYPaymentVerificationKey #
Deprecated: Use userPaymentVKey.
buildTxBody ∷ ∀ v m. GYTxBuilderMonad m ⇒ GYTxSkeleton v → m GYTxBody #
with the default coin selection strategy.
buildTxBodyParallel ∷ ∀ v m. GYTxBuilderMonad m ⇒ [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult #
with the default coin selection strategy.
buildTxBodyChaining ∷ ∀ v m. GYTxBuilderMonad m ⇒ [GYTxSkeleton v] → m GYTxBuildResult #
with the default coin selection strategy.
waitNSlots ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Word64 → m GYSlot #
Wait until the chain tip has progressed by N slots.
waitNSlots_ ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Word64 → m () #
waitNSlots_ = void . waitNSlots
waitUntilSlot_ ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYSlot → m () #
waitUntilSlot_ = void . waitUntilSlot
submitTxConfirmed ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTx → m GYTxId #
with default tx waiting parameters.
submitTxConfirmed_ ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTx → m () #
submitTxConfirmed_ = void . submitTxConfirmed
submitTxConfirmed' ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYAwaitTxParameters → GYTx → m GYTxId #
Equivalent to a call to submitTx
and then a call to awaitTxConfirmed'
with submitted tx id.
submitTxConfirmed'_ ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYAwaitTxParameters → GYTx → m () #
submitTxConfirmed'_ p = void . submitTxConfirmed' p
submitTxBody ∷ ∀ a m. (GYTxMonad m, ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey a) ⇒ GYTxBody → [a] → m GYTxId #
Signs a GYTxBody
with the given keys and submits the transaction.
Equivalent to a call to signGYTxBody
, followed by a call to submitTx
submitTxBody_ ∷ ∀ a m. (GYTxMonad m, ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey a) ⇒ GYTxBody → [a] → m () #
submitTxBody_ t = void . submitTxBody t
submitTxBodyConfirmed ∷ ∀ a m. (GYTxMonad m, ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey a) ⇒ GYTxBody → [a] → m GYTxId #
Signs a GYTxBody
with the given keys, submits the transaction, and waits for its confirmation.
Equivalent to a call to signGYTxBody
, followed by a call to submitTxConfirmed
submitTxBodyConfirmed_ ∷ (GYTxMonad m, ToShelleyWitnessSigningKey a) ⇒ GYTxBody → [a] → m () #
submitTxBodyConfirmed_ t = void . submitTxBodyConfirmed t
signAndSubmitConfirmed ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTxBody → m GYTxId #
signAndSubmitConfirmed_ ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTxBody → m () #
awaitTxConfirmed ∷ GYTxMonad m ⇒ GYTxId → m () #
Wait for a _recently_ submitted transaction to be confirmed, with default waiting parameters.
lookupDatum' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYDatumHash → m GYDatum #
A version of lookupDatum
that raises GYNoDatumForHash
if the datum is not found.
utxoAtTxOutRef' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTxOutRef → m GYUTxO #
A version of utxoAtTxOutRef
that raises GYNoUtxoAtRef
if the utxo is not found.
utxoAtTxOutRefWithDatum' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTxOutRef → m (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) #
A version of utxoAtTxOutRefWithDatum
that raises GYNoUtxoAtRef
if the utxo is not found.
someUTxOWithoutRefScript ∷ GYTxUserQueryMonad m ⇒ m GYTxOutRef #
Returns some UTxO present in wallet which doesn't have reference script.
slotToBeginTime ∷ GYTxQueryMonad f ⇒ GYSlot → f GYTime #
slotToEndTime ∷ GYTxQueryMonad f ⇒ GYSlot → f GYTime #
enclosingSlotFromTime ∷ GYTxQueryMonad f ⇒ GYTime → f (Maybe GYSlot) #
enclosingSlotFromTime' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYTime → m GYSlot #
Partial version of enclosingSlotFromTime
Raises GYTimeUnderflowException
if given time is before known system start.
epochToBeginSlot ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYEpochNo → m GYSlot #
Get the first slot in the given epoch.
scriptAddress ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYScript v → m GYAddress #
Calculate script's address.
scriptAddress' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYScriptHash → m GYAddress #
Calculate script's address.
addressFromText' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ Text → m GYAddress #
Parse the bech32 representation of an address into GYAddress
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if parsing fails.
addressFromPlutusHushedM ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Address → m (Maybe GYAddress) #
ed version of addressFromPlutusM
addressFromPlutus' ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ Address → m GYAddress #
Convert a Address
to GYAddress
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
addressToPubKeyHash' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ GYAddress → m GYPubKeyHash #
Convert GYAddress
to GYPubKeyHash
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if address is not key-hash one.
addressToValidatorHash' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ GYAddress → m GYScriptHash #
Convert GYAddress
to GYScriptHash
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if address is not script-hash one.
valueFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ Value → m GYValue #
Convert a Value
to GYValue
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
valueFromPlutusIO ∷ Value → IO GYValue #
Convert a Value
to GYValue
in IO
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
makeAssetClass' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ Text → Text → m GYAssetClass #
Create a GYAssetClass
from the textual representation of currency symbol and token name in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
makeAssetClassIO ∷ Text → Text → IO GYAssetClass #
in the IO monad.
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
assetClassFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ AssetClass → m GYAssetClass #
Convert a AssetClass
to GYAssetClass
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
tokenNameFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ TokenName → m GYTokenName #
Convert a TokenName
to GYTokenName
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
txOutRefFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ TxOutRef → m GYTxOutRef #
Convert a TxOutRef
to GYTxOutRef
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
datumHashFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ DatumHash → m GYDatumHash #
Convert a DatumHash
to GYDatumHash
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
pubKeyHashFromPlutus' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ PubKeyHash → m GYPubKeyHash #
Convert a PubKeyHash
to GYPubKeyHash
in GYTxMonad
Throw GYConversionException
if conversion fails.
advanceSlot' ∷ MonadError GYTxMonadException m ⇒ GYSlot → Natural → m GYSlot #
Advance GYSlot
forward in GYTxMonad
. If slot value overflows, throw GYSlotOverflowException
utxosDatums ∷ ∀ m a. (GYTxQueryMonad m, FromData a) ⇒ GYUTxOs → m (Map GYTxOutRef (GYAddress, GYValue, a)) #
utxosDatumsPure ∷ FromData a ⇒ [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] → Map GYTxOutRef (GYAddress, GYValue, a) #
Pure variant of utxosDatums
utxosDatumsPureWithOriginalDatum ∷ FromData a ⇒ [(GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum)] → Map GYTxOutRef (GYAddress, GYValue, a, GYDatum) #
Like utxosDatumsPure
but also returns original raw GYDatum
utxoDatum ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, FromData a) ⇒ GYUTxO → m (Either GYQueryDatumError (GYAddress, GYValue, a)) #
utxoDatumPure ∷ FromData a ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → Either GYQueryDatumError (GYAddress, GYValue, a) #
Pure variant of utxoDatum
utxoDatumPureWithOriginalDatum ∷ FromData a ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → Either GYQueryDatumError (GYAddress, GYValue, a, GYDatum) #
Like utxoDatumPure
but also returns original raw datum.
utxoDatumHushed ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, FromData a) ⇒ GYUTxO → m (Maybe (GYAddress, GYValue, a)) #
utxoDatumPureHushed ∷ FromData a ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → Maybe (GYTxOutRef, (GYAddress, GYValue, a)) #
Obtain original datum representation of an UTxO.
utxoDatumPureHushedWithOriginalDatum ∷ FromData a ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → Maybe (GYTxOutRef, (GYAddress, GYValue, a, GYDatum)) #
Like utxoDatumPureHushed
but also returns original raw GYDatum
utxoDatum' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, FromData a) ⇒ GYUTxO → m (GYAddress, GYValue, a) #
Version of utxoDatum
that throws GYTxMonadException
utxoDatumPure' ∷ (MonadError GYTxMonadException m, FromData a) ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → m (GYAddress, GYValue, a) #
Version of utxoDatumPure
that throws GYTxMonadException
utxoDatumPureWithOriginalDatum' ∷ (MonadError GYTxMonadException m, FromData a) ⇒ (GYUTxO, Maybe GYDatum) → m (GYAddress, GYValue, a, GYDatum) #
Like utxoDatumPure'
but also returns original raw datum.
mustHaveInput ∷ GYTxIn v → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustHaveOutput ∷ GYTxOut v → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustHaveOptionalOutput ∷ Maybe (GYTxOut v) → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustHaveVotingProcedures ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV3 ⇒ GYTxVotingProcedures v → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustHaveProposalProcedure ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV3 ⇒ GYProposalProcedurePB → GYTxBuildWitness v → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustHaveProposalProcedures ∷ VersionIsGreaterOrEqual v 'PlutusV3 ⇒ [(GYProposalProcedurePB, GYTxBuildWitness v)] → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustMint ∷ GYBuildScript v → GYRedeemer → GYTokenName → Integer → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustHaveWithdrawal ∷ GYTxWdrl v → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustHaveCertificate ∷ GYTxCert v → GYTxSkeleton v #
mustBeSignedBy ∷ CanSignTx a ⇒ a → GYTxSkeleton v #
isInvalidBefore ∷ GYSlot → GYTxSkeleton v #
isInvalidAfter ∷ GYSlot → GYTxSkeleton v #
gyLogDebug' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, HasCallStack) ⇒ GYLogNamespace → String → m () #
gyLogInfo' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, HasCallStack) ⇒ GYLogNamespace → String → m () #
gyLogWarning' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, HasCallStack) ⇒ GYLogNamespace → String → m () #
gyLogError' ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, HasCallStack) ⇒ GYLogNamespace → String → m () #
skeletonToRefScriptsORefs ∷ GYTxSkeleton v → [GYTxOutRef] #
Given a skeleton, returns a list of reference to reference script UTxOs which are present as witness.
wrapReqWithTimeLog ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, MonadIO m) ⇒ String → m a → m a #
Log the time a particular monad action took.
wt ∷ (GYTxQueryMonad m, MonadIO m) ⇒ String → m a → m a #
Synonym of wrapReqWithTimeLog
∷ ∀ m v. (GYTxQueryMonad m, MonadRandom m) | |
⇒ SystemStart | |
→ EraHistory | |
→ ApiProtocolParameters | |
→ Set PoolId | |
→ GYCoinSelectionStrategy | |
→ (GYTxBody → GYUTxOs → GYUTxOs) | |
→ [GYAddress] | |
→ GYAddress | |
→ Maybe GYUTxO | Is |
→ [GYTxSkeleton v] | |
→ m (Either GYBuildTxError GYTxBuildResult) |
The core implementation of GYTxQueryMonad
for building GYTxBody
s out of one or more GYTxSkeleton
Peculiarly, this is parameterized on:
- An "own utxo update" function, this is meant to govern how the set of known "own utxos" is updated after building a transaction skeleton.
If the user chooses not to update this set, based on the newly created GYTxBody
, the same own utxos set will be used for the next
transaction in the list (if any). Which may lead to the balancer choosing the same utxo inputs again - resulting in a transaction
The function recovers successfully built tx skeletons, in case the list contains several of them. See: GYTxBuildResult
maximumRequiredCollateralLovelace ∷ ApiProtocolParameters → Int → Integer #
What is the maximum possible collateral requirement as per current protocol parameters?
throwAppError ∷ (IsGYApiError e, Exception e, MonadError GYTxMonadException m) ⇒ e → m a #
Throw an application specific exception (GYApplicationException
) within GYTxMonad
∷ GYNetworkId | Network ID. |
→ GYProviders | Provider. |
→ [GYAddress] | Addresses belonging to wallet. |
→ GYAddress | Change address. |
→ Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) | If |
→ GYTxBuilderMonadIO a | |
→ IO a |
runGYTxQueryMonadIO ∷ GYNetworkId → GYProviders → GYTxQueryMonadIO a → IO a #
∷ GYNetworkId | Network ID. |
→ GYProviders | Provider. |
→ GYSomePaymentSigningKey | Payment signing key of the wallet |
→ Maybe GYSomeStakeSigningKey | Stake signing key of the wallet (optional) |
→ [GYAddress] | Addresses belonging to wallet. |
→ GYAddress | Change address. |
→ Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) | If |
→ GYTxMonadIO a | |
→ IO a |
∷ GYNetworkId | Network ID. |
→ GYProviders | Provider. |
→ GYTxGameMonadIO a | |
→ IO a |
queryAsBuilderMonad ∷ GYTxQueryMonadIO a → GYTxBuilderMonadIO a #
Lift a GYTxQueryMonadIO
into a GYTxBuilderMonadIO
liftQueryMonad ∷ GYTxQueryMonadIO a → GYTxMonadIO a #
Lift a GYTxQueryMonadIO
into GYTxMonadIO
liftBuilderMonad ∷ GYTxBuilderMonadIO a → GYTxMonadIO a #
Lift a GYTxBuilderMonadIO
into GYTxMonadIO
userCollateralDumb ∷ User → Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Bool) #
userAddresses' ∷ User → [GYAddress] #
queryBalance ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYAddress → m GYValue #
Query the balance at given address.
queryBalances ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ [GYAddress] → m GYValue #
Query the balances at given addresses.
getAdaOnlyUTxO ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYAddress → m [(GYTxOutRef, Natural)] #
Query the txoutrefs at given address with ADA-only values.
Useful for finding a txoutref to be used as collateral.
adaOnlyUTxOPure ∷ GYUTxOs → [(GYTxOutRef, Natural)] #
∷ GYTxQueryMonad m | |
⇒ GYAddress | The address where to look. |
→ Natural | The minimal amount of lovelace required as collateral. |
→ m (Maybe (GYTxOutRef, Natural)) | Returns the smallest ada-only UTxO and the contained amount of lovelace at the specified address with the specified minimal value. If no such UTxO exists, |
Get a UTxO suitable for use as collateral.
∷ GYTxQueryMonad m | |
⇒ GYAddress | The address where to look. |
→ Natural | The minimal amount of lovelace required as collateral. |
→ m (GYTxOutRef, Natural) | Returns the smallest ada-only UTxO and the contained amount of lovelace at the specified address with the specified minimal value. If no such UTxO exists, an exception is thrown. |
Get an UTxO suitable for use as collateral.
getTxBalance ∷ GYTxQueryMonad m ⇒ GYPubKeyHash → GYTx → m GYValue #
Calculate how much balance is the given transaction is moving to given pubkeyhash address(es).